
Boxplot ggplot2 by group
Boxplot ggplot2 by group

Below we’ve applied theme_economist(), which approximates graphs in the Economist magazine. There are a wider range of pre-built themes available as part of the ggthemes package (more information on these here). # sunflower-soybean 82.488095 19.125803 145.85039 0.P10 <- ggplot ( airquality, aes ( x = Month, y = Ozone )) + geom_boxplot ( colour = "black", fill = "#56B4E9" ) + scale_y_continuous ( name = "Mean ozone in\nparts per billion", breaks = seq ( 0, 175, 25 ), limits = c ( 0, 175 )) + scale_x_discrete ( name = "Month" ) + ggtitle ( "Boxplot of mean ozone by month" ) + theme ( = element_line ( size = 0.5, colour = "black" ), = element_line ( size = 0.5, colour = "black" ), axis.line = element_line ( size = 1, colour = "black" ), = element_blank (), = element_blank (), panel.border = element_blank (), panel.background = element_blank (), plot.title = element_text ( size = 20, family = "xkcd-Regular" ), text = element_text ( size = 16, family = "xkcd-Regular" ), = element_text ( colour = "black", size = 12 ), = element_text ( colour = "black", size = 12 )) p10

boxplot ggplot2 by group

# Fit: aov(formula = weight ~ feed, data = chickwts) # Tukey's test tukey <- TukeyHSD(anova) print(tukey) # Tukey multiple comparisons of means We are going to start by loading the appropriate libraries, the datasets to access the data file, the ggplot2 for the plots, multcompView to obtain the compact letter display, and the dplyr for building a table with the summarized data. 1 The data file (chickwts) is available in the R datasets library. We are going to use the results of a one-factor experiment conducted to measure and compare the effectiveness of various feed supplements on the growth rate of chickens.

  • colour the boxes according to the median value.
  • add the compact letter display to the boxplot.
  • obtain the compact letter display to indicate significant differences.
  • perform analysis of variance and Tukey’s test.
  • In this R tutorial, you are going to learn how to:

    boxplot ggplot2 by group

    Boxplots coloured according to the median.

    boxplot ggplot2 by group

    Boxplots coloured according to the factor (explanatory variable).

    boxplot ggplot2 by group

    Adding compact letter display from Tukey’s test.Creating a table with the summarised data and the compact letter display.Compact letter display to indicate significant differences.Analysis of variance for one factor – One-Way ANOVA.

    Boxplot ggplot2 by group